Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Missing Crust

Back in third grade science class I remember studying the earth. We learned about the various layers like the Mantle, Magma, and the Crust (the happy layer we all live on). That these three layers exist has always been a constant in my life. Granted it was never at the front of my mind... I was never like "I'm having a bad day, but at least I know the earths crust is here to hold me up." Now I have come to learn that this is not the case. In some parts of the world the earth's crust ISN'T there to hold me up! Somewhere around the Canary Islands there is at least one giant hole into the earth that is missing it's crust. How does the earth miss it's crust! Is the planet running out of Magma and thus couldn't fill this hole? If that's the case we really need to get moving on this space exploration thing. Cause if we are losing Magma then next to go will be crust, then where are we going to plant our trees... certainly not in the Mantle ROCK! ...OK so I may be over exaggerating here, but still it is kinda weird that a piece is missing. Scientists are currently holding an expedition to find some answers.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I read the article... it's really interesting. How did you happen upon it? Haha, planting trees on mantle rock... that made me laugh sooooo hard!