Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Excitement of a Twang

So I graduated yesterday! Yay for Me! The best part of graduating (besides never having to read about dead people unless I really want to) are the gifts. Cause as a college grad you need everything you can get. Well my bestfriend realized that now I would have a lot more free time so she got me a present to occupy my time. She bought me a brand new MOUTH HARP! That's right folks the harp that makes music by vibrating against your two front teeth. Well I was trying to make some sort of sound all yesterday and found it to be a very difficult task. Today I found my inspiration. I gave it one more try and TWANG a note echoed across the room (maybe anot an echo but a wisper, but there was still a note). I was so excited I stood up and immediatly lost my rythme (if you can call it that). I don't know what note it was, but it was my victory so I knew I had to immediatly share it with the world! I am a NOTE MAKER!


John said...

I like your blog post, you need more!

Meghan said...

Rachel, I am soooo glad you made a twang! I am telling you, mouth harps are great. Keep at it!