Monday, November 26, 2007


Thanksgiving is not one of my favorite holidays. I think it has something to do with the fact that I am not particularly fan of turkey, a meat which is currently occupying the majority of my refrigerator. This year Thanksgiving was slightly more enjoyable than most.

The Dallas Cowboys won... always a plus... their holiday game, despite having to play the previous Sunday. many people say that the teams that play on Thanksgiving should get a bye the week before. "It's unfair to ask them to play so soon." I do not believe this. Football players are supposed to be the greatest of all men. The Man's Man. Well a real man can play 60 minutes of football twice in a period of 5 days. Let's not be lenient on these guys. Both teams have had the same amount of prep time, thus neither team should have an inherent advantage. There will still be a winner and a loser.

Another plus... my cat, Tramples, has finally arrived and will be living with me from now on. Prior to this Thanksgiving she had lived with my parents, as I tried to find a relatively cheep apartment that allows cute fluffy animals. I had missed her greatly, and she definitely made this Thanksgiving better just by being her wonderful self.

Oh yeah, and my parents came to me this Thanksgiving, thus I didn't have to deal with holiday travel, while my Mom still cooked the Turkey. That's a pretty good deal if you ask me.

All in all it was a good day.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

I'm glad to hear that you had a good Thanksgiving and especially glad to hear that Tramples finally made it!