Friday, February 8, 2008

2008 Election...

Now that February 5 has come and gone The Republicans have united behind John McCain. I have to say out of the final three republican candidates, McCain is probubly the best. I haven't been following the Republican race very closely. I've scanned a few headlines, read one or two articles, but nothing serious. Now that there is only one Republican left I am finally sitting down and taking a goos look at the candidate. I visited John McCain's official website today. I have come to the conclusion that I will not be voting for this candidate. He makes some valid points on many issues, but the direction he wants to lead the country in most of the issues just doesn't sit well with me. Can't same I'm very surprised. I've been a libral all my life, and although I consider myself an independant I tend to lean towards the side of the Democrates.

As to which Democrate candidate I prefer...well the ones I liked left the now I'm thinking.

I'll get back to you on that one.

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