Monday, December 3, 2007

Pictures (Late, I know, but here)

Marine life and coastal life are being effected by the great amounts of trash being dumped into the sea. The worst of this trash are the plastics, which do not biodegrade. Scientist have recently discovered that none of the plastics created by man have decomposed, they have merely broken apart into tiny pieces and are now floating around in the Sea or being buried in the earth.

Redskins' Sean Taylor. May he rest in peace.

Cherry Blossoms in Japan are confused. They are blooming out of season. This is due to the eradicate temperature changes. Scientists are concerned for the trees. If they bloom now the seeds that they drop won't have the proper conditions to plant themselves. Those that bloom now, will not bloom in the Spring, when their supposed to.

New images taken form space of Earth's Arctic frontier by NASA.

Criminal Master Mind! This particular 1,000,000 dollar bill is a forgery. The U.S. government does not make bills this high. One individual, who probably thought he was pretty savvy, tried to use it to buy something (I hope it was a car or house and not...m&m's). The cashier wouldn't take the bill and called the cops. The man was arrested and charged with two counts of forgery, he had just deposited fake checks into his banking account.


Meghan said...

Haha, can you imagine? -

"Your total is 59 cents, sir."
"Oh, yes, here we are - do you have change for a million?"

*That* would be funny.

John said...

The artic frontier, now that's where I want to be. Although I bet it's cold. At least I'd have a space suit.