Monday, December 17, 2007

Take your Girlfriend to work day!

This weekend I followed my boyfriend around as he worked. He's a sports reporter for the Trenton Times. He typically covers highschool sports, but will occasionally be called to cover college basketball.

He really loves his job, and now I can see why.

This weekend we watched a girl's basketball game and three wrestling matches. It was a lot of fun. As a student athelet I didn't get the chance to watch many sporting events in highschool, other than my own. This weekend I discovered how fun that can be (and yes I do ealize how often I am using the word "fun" in this paragraph).

The girl's b-ball game was all defense, except for number 2 of the away team who stole the show on offence. It was entertaining to hear the parents cheer on their daughters and yell at the calls the refs were making. It made me feel nastalgic for how my dad would cheer me on at my Volleyball games.

Wresteling was far less thrilling. This was the first time I have ever seen a match. All I can say is, while it was entertaining to watch the 285 pound kids push eachother around. It reminded me of two bulls locking their horns and fighting for supremency. I do not understand why any man would want to play this sport. I guess its a kind of motcho thing I will never understand.

After 4 hours of wresteling we were done covering sports for the weekend. I'm glad I got to see what my boy does while he's far away from me. If you can and you don't have a standard desk job or have a job you dislike, I completely suggest taking your significant other to work with you sometime.

1 comment:

Meghan said...

285 pounds? That seems a little high, even for wrestlers. Yeah, I don't really get that sport, either. ;-\